Hiking on the Parkway...

Hiking on the Parkway...

Monday, May 2, 2011

Where is my broom? It's flyin' time...

The other "f" word and it gets thrown around my house like you wouldn't believe.  Sometimes, depending on situation it can be preceded by my fave"f" word.
Being in a blended family can be so trifling at times I just want to leave.  You know those toddlers that throw themselves down and bang every body part on the floor and scream?  Some days I would like to do just that.  On more than one occasion I have said "Had I known it would be like this I never would've married you."  I am guessing I said that to my two ex husbands as well.  Of course I wouldn't marry someone if I knew the outcome would be divorce.  Well, except that one time.  I have begged him to explain to me why he favors one of his sons.  He can't.  It is almost as if he is scared to upset him or rattle his cage at all.  He yells at my kids if they leave a toy downstairs or outside or if their room isn't picked up.  His kid gets away with everything.  I can't even describe the mess or SMELL in stepsons room, yet nothing is said to him.  He is like a Drill Sergeant with my kids.  Well guess whose cage it rattles?  MINE!  I get so ticked off when I see the double standards he has.  I get at my breaking point.  I seriously consider leaving him.  So much stress would be lifted off me.  But, the more I pray on it the more God lays it on my heart to stay so I obey.  I try so hard to react better than I have in the past to the same issues that keep arising but some days he is just impossible.  Over this last week I pointed out several times his double standard as it surfaced.  I was going for the dogs nose in dog poop on carpet approach.  Didn't work so well.  You can't teach an old dog new tricks.  He couldn't deny I was right, however he didn't admit I was either.  He just kinda passed it off.  I wish he would show recognition for ALL the kids instead of just one.  And hey, how about throwing your wife some support?  I am half Greek and half Irish and things don't just roll off my back.  I am extremely hot tempered. I hold grudges.  Oh, and I am tired of cleaning out certain teenagers pubes in the bathtub before my kids take a bath.  Eww, I know.  I gag.  I know who uses the stridex wipes on their face in this house, therefore I know who the three around the bathroom trash can, the ones that have been  laying on the floor for over a week - completely visible to all I am sure,  I know who they belong to.   Last night dear husband had me infuriated when he told me he had to pick up a toy outside.  This prompted me to have the brilliant idea of keeping a list for a week of everything I do that relates to picking up after others, him included.  We will do a comparison at weeks end.  I win.  While he was picking up that one toy - gee hope he didn't hurt himself...I was cleaning his sons blood off the bathroom floor that had been there for three days that I had asked him (son) to clean up,  putting the towels away that I asked him (son) to do and cooking supper.  Wah wah wah.  I think sometimes I am just on automatic pilot and do everything and they know that so they take advantage.  They have come to expect it.   
At least my skin looks amazing.  Thank you Arbonne for that.  If it weren't for you I'd have more wrinkles than a shar pei.
Yesterday we argued for most of the day about a house we don't live in yet and a situation that hasn't come about yet.  What's up with that?

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