Hiking on the Parkway...

Hiking on the Parkway...

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

M is for MOTHER...not MAID!

It challenges all us mommies. Stay home dads too, I am sure.   It can make your blood pressure rise.  It can make you want to go on strike.  It is so frustrating you want to scream, and sometimes succumb to just that.

They mess up what you have just cleaned.

Floors, bathrooms, beds, dishes, neatly folded laundry, table, microwave, counter tops...it doesn't matter, they are not picky, they'll screw it up!
You are not their maid.  You are a person who has feelings, emotions and the right to get upset when things are not how you want them.  And no, it isn't always your hormones.  It's their friggin' actions!  My oldest, my husband,  participates in this as well.  I could easily list ten things I did and they undid in the last 24 hours.  I get that the house will get messy again, we live here.  It's just...could I please have five flippin' minutes of glory in a clean house?  No.  The answer is No.  There was a wrapper for a subway straw on the top of the stairs for over a week.  I left it and since no one in the house is blind I know I am not the only one who saw it.  Eventually, it made its way to the bottom step.  Yesterday I pointed it out to the hubby.  "Yeah...I know it's been there like three days or so."  Really?  He is admitting that he has known about it and God love him he knows it was longer than three days.  He took the five seconds out of his busy schedule to pick it up and throw it out.  Oh, my oldest stepson works at Subway by the way. 
I find it amazing that I am the only one in the house who knows how to load and unload the dishwasher.  What a talent.  It never fails, as soon as the sink is free of dishes a bowl or cup mysteriously show up.  Speaking of cups - get one for the day not four throughout the day.  I mean how am I supposed to be able to lounge around and watch my reality TV while munching on bon bons if I have all these people to pick up after?  Did you know we have special toilets that when they are cleaned they send out an electro-vibe that lets one of the kids know it is time to come pee on the seat again?  I bet Alan paid extra for that.  First thing yesterday morning I straightened up the living room, complete with pillow arrangement/cushion fluff on both couches and the big chair.  I vacuumed and was impressed with how good it looked.  That lasted maybe, maybe five minutes.  Now, I know who jacked it up because there was only three of us here.  Stepson fourteen is on school vaca this week.  He managed to sit on both couches and the big chair, and somehow completely undo my beautifully fluffed cushion /pillow masterpiece and tracked grass and dirt in on the freshly vacuumed floor.  Also, the teddy bear that sits in the rocking chair was thrown across the room.  Yup, crazy making at it's finest.  Clearly this was done intentionally as he has on more than one occasion expressed his complete and utter dislike for me.  And if I say anything a huge argument will erupt between the hubby and I.  What's a girl to do?
Last night there was a sugar daddy wrapper on the coffee table - I noticed it around nine and asked, just to make sure one of my little angels didn't sneak it, whose it was.  It was darling husbands.  Guess where the wrapper is this morning?  Some of this may sound petty but it's not.  These are just a few examples of my daily frustrations that I am sure so many can relate to. Hmmm look, the table didn't get wiped after dinner last night.  Time to go put on my Super Mom cape and get this house neat and in order so they have something to do today...mess it up.  Yuck, it's laundry day.   Oh well, it could be worse.  The kids are healthy, Alan and I have been getting along better and I do have days when I don't want to choke him.  See, improvements.  Yessah, by God, I think we just might make it.


  1. You said it, that is absolutely hysterical, I love reading your blog!
