But, since he's been 'gone' for 20 years he can't. He likely wouldn't say "it's going to be okay" anyway. He'd be more like "Have a drink and listen to Frank..." Sinatra, I of course mean.
I do the best I can, but let's face it...I have boobs. I am a girl and I think like one. Really the only thing about me that remotely resembles the male species is the set of balls I have.
There really isn't a male 'replacement'. But, there is a mother's love and I suppose when necessary that can be quite close. Or can it? I don't know as I am still struggling with that answer. Like, on our way to Walmart I told Jake he smelled funny...like outside dirty boy kinda funny. P- eww. Well, on the way home I noticed a different scent. Apparently while I was picking out my toothbrush he indulged in the many scents of the Axe that adorned the shelf. Oh.My.Gosh. I think I like the dirt smell better. And then there is the calendar that was sent to him by a co worker of mine, who after I mentioned it was the first thing Jake noticed when he walked into the 'office'... Oh boy, I just don't get the male version of life... He sure is glad to have that calendar though. Yes, it's what you are picturing. Blondes, boobs, the whole 9 yards. And no, I have no idea how to explain an erection to him.
Yay me.
So far single parenting has been okay. We have had a lot of other ... ummm...distractions to keep my mind flowing in a different way. I think it sucks, what I've been handed to deal with but I have been convinced from the start that I would be equipped to handle it, like a Mama should. Thanks to some good friends, a plethora of prayer and wine I have done just that until now.
We have a court date coming up that I am not looking forward to.
Nope. Not whatsoever. Not at all. Not even a tad. And, to add insult to injury..I haven't heard back from the attorney on exactly what it is we have to look
Wicked fuckin' pissah. Wicked.
Ironically, Chesapeake doesn't suck as much as I used to think it does. That is kinda interesting to me. Even here at my age of 40...well, let's face it mentally I am 26 and totally act it, I learn more and more...
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