Hiking on the Parkway...

Hiking on the Parkway...

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Head high, chin up...boobs out.

The beauty of being on your third divorce is you know what to expect.

You don't feel like a failure.  In fact, when you tried as hard and much as I did you feel quite accomplished.  But, no lie, going through the motions, whether you want the divorce or not just plain sucks.  With each step however, a sense of relief comes your way and you can feel the burden lightening.  I think that having my kids watch me also helps the positive attitude I have managed to keep and the smile plastered on my face.  Cause honestly, with what happened I could've very easily snapped and rightfully so.  A friend said to me "you need to teach them to be survivors, not victims."  I took that one phrase and made it my motto for this whole process.

The few people who do know what happened are quite impressed with how I've handled everything.

  Frankly, I have impressed myself.

That's where faith and prayer come in.  I turned to God instead of wine.  He doesn't give you a hangover.

I've been a single mom before.  In fact, often in jest I would say that it sucks being married but still a single parent.  Seven years worth of that.  Its funny though, I hold no anger, resentment or hurt.  Perhaps that is because I have learned that you absolutely cannot, can't, cannot carry those negative emotions as you move on because you'll never move on.  You'll be stuck in a swirl of hate.  I choose to take what I have learned from the last seven years and apply it to my future in a positive light.

I am sure all of this has happened the way it has for a reason and I will do amazing things with what I have learned.  My whole life, everything I have been through is starting to make sense.  It's kinda sorta crazy.  What should be the absolute darkest days of my life, thus far, are filled with light and hope.  Why?  Because I choose to make them that way.

I'm not bitter, I still believe in love, marriage and soul mates.  I think there is someone out there for everyone to spend the rest of their lives with.

So fellow divorcee's hold your head high, your chin up with a huge grin on that pretty face and stick the ta-ta's out.  Your next ex just might be watching ;)  

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