Hiking on the Parkway...

Hiking on the Parkway...

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Supermodel trapped in a stepmother's body.

Searching for the words to write this blog has proven to be quite challenging for me.  There are eggshells I have always walked on since marrying Alan, with certain people.  I'm done.  This time a new level of not giving a shit has entered my being and frankly I have had it.  Hate me if you must, but the truth is the truth.
Apparently, I am being damned for having some friends over Saturday evening and not inviting the whole flippin' family.  I think some people have way too much time on their hands to conjure up the thoughts that this was a direct attack on them.  To be honest, it was decided a day or two before and it was never intended to be a family cookout.  By the way, dear steps, when was the last time any of you invited us over?  I can not believe the level as to which this has been brought on facebook.  Funny thing is, it was so upsetting to them, yet not mine nor my husbands phone rang.  Nope, immediately a typed reaction was sent out for everyone in social media land to lay their eyes on and think "oh...poor so and so."  Give me a break.  I am 38 years old and if I want to have some friends over for dinner and fun I will.  My husband and I chose to ignore the fb bologna and not respond to any of it.  There have been numerous occasions when I have invited only one child and her family over for dinner - I just don't understand the problem.  I guess they forgot.  There have been plenty of times when they have posted on fb about going out and posted pic's.  My thought wasn't...'those little bitches doing this to me..'  Last time I checked I was allowed a life outside my husbands family.
Well, I guess I didn't get the memo that came with the instruction book on how to handle every situation that could possibly arise in a blended family.  So now I am once again the bad guy for having done nothing wrong.  Geesh, you would think with all this scheming I do I would be exhausted.
The title?  Supermodel?  I just liked the way it sounded.  This blog is, I suppose just a retaliation of missiles fired at me.  And yes, some would consider it as bad as blabbing to fb land about what a victim you are.  But I don't.  It's my blog and I'll bitch if I wanna. 
Now then...lookin' forward to happier times!

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