Hiking on the Parkway...

Hiking on the Parkway...

Monday, August 29, 2011

Why my fave kitchen utensil is a corkscrew...

It annoys the crap outta me when people leave about a tablespoon of peanut butter or mayo on the knife and stick it in the sink.  Seriously.  Then I have to find some old paper towel or something questionable in the trash, scrape it off and clean the sink.  Apparently I have special hands and am the only one who can activate the dishwasher door to open it.  But it's not really about that - it's more about how many flippin' sandwiches could I have made w/ the leftover stuff on the knife?  Groceries ain't cheap these days.  I also dislike when 'people' leave little bits of something in the jar.  Like tuna fish.  Bleh.
 I used to scrub the kitchen floor on my hands and knees every night after all the kids went to bed.  The floor was very light in color and every little spec showed.  When picking out our new floor I made sure I found a color that would not only coordinate with the new counter tops and paint but hide the dirt.  It does a fabulous job.  I no longer scrub the floor every night.  Of course, we don't have as many kids in the house participating in the dirt department either.  I probably sweep the whole downstairs 2 times a day and it seems as though within 5 minutes after doing so the floor is trashed again.  How is it that I will have the counters spotless and sink empty and the next time I walk in the kitchen there are crumbs all over and dishes in the sink?  It tends to discourage a girl and make her just say eff it and not clean.  But then I can't stand not clean so I grudgingly do it myself and hold the anger in.  After just over 5 years that is a lot of built up anger.  Sometimes I feel like I am the maid and  chef not the wife and mother.  The pay sucks.
What doesn't suck is the yoga I have started practicing.  It is important to do things for yourself and be kind to your body.  Sometimes, we the keepers of the house, forget about that.  When I take that hour for myself, usually having to stick the kids in front of the TV so I can, the world looks more blissful when I am done.  Trust me, if you don't take time for you it is easy to start resenting things and people...

A few weeks ago I turned thirty eight.  When I was a little girl and people would ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up I would always say a lawyer or ballerina or cowgirl.  I never thought to myself "gee, when I am old, because to an eight year old anything over thirty is ancient, not once did I picture myself divorced twice, on my third marriage and children by two different men.  No college education and living in a place I dislike.  Nope, that is not the picture that came to mind.  But that is where I am at.
Isn't it great though, that we humans have this remarkable power to change our situation?  You just have to have the courage.  Fear can be paralyzing.  One day at a time we are trying to set goals, reach them and have the best life we can, my hubby and me. 
Until that comes...there is always wine.  And that, dear friends, is why my favorite kitchen utensil is a corkscrew. 
Oh, and by the way folks, the trash cans don't empty themselves. 

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