Hiking on the Parkway...

Hiking on the Parkway...

Monday, April 29, 2013

"What do you 'do' mom?"

My 10 y/o ADHD son who keeps me well past being on my toes asked me this morning "what do you do for a job, mom?"  He then chimed in with.."besides Arbonne."

That got me thinking...

What do I do?  I don't get paid for my daily duties.  I have no 401K, health insurance or paid vaca's and holidays.  If I am sick, tough crap no time off.  There are no fabulous benefits.

What do I do?

All frigging day every frigging day I pick up after everyone, repeat myself constantly and cook.  That's all I do.  Let me list it like this:

  • Feet hit floor at about 5:30 a.m. make coffee, get husband off to work
  • Get kids up - do morning routine of breakfast, dressed (argue with 8 y/o daughter about daisy dukes not being appropriate), teeth & face, book bags in check because the 18 times I asked the night before weren't enough  
  • Kids on bus.  Feed & water chickens (currently 20 of them) check on gardens
  • Return inside to find every friggin' light in the house on, breakfast dishes still on table because the 2 times they were told to put dishes in sink clearly wasn't enough.  Go on search for where I left coffee cup, take to microwave to heat up for the 3rd time.  
  • Clean kitchen
  • Start laundry...oh, but if only it were that simple.  First you must go through house searching for all the dirty laundry which seems to jump out of hampers and onto floors.  Normally landing right in front of hamper.  Bathroom floors are another place dirty laundry likes to hang out.  
  • Check fb and email.  Place any arbonne orders for clients.  
  • Vacuum  house which takes at least 20 minutes if not longer.  Especially when you are ADD and as you're vacuuming you notice other stuff that needs to be done.  
  • Exercise so you can try to achieve the body of a 25 y/o as you approach 40 then come in and eat oreo's
  • ...continuing with laundry...
  • Some days this is when you get to go out on a field trip all by yourself!  You go to the grocery store.  How exciting.  You float down the aisles enjoying not having your kids and pitying the moms that do - upon returning home you get angry that you are the only one who has to lug the groceries in but everyone friggin' eats them.  
  • Scrub bathrooms, we have 3.  You notice your husband must've cut his hair.  How?  The hair all over the flippin' bathroom is how you know.  I especially like it when it gets all over my skincare bottles.  
  • Beds?  Screw that.  We'll just mess them up tonight so why make them?
  • Oh yay!  More picking up after everyone and the washing machine is giving you the death signal on it's digital display.  Thank God for google and this happening to others, so now you can add washing machine repair person to your resume
  • Work on book I am writing.  Some days it lasts 5 minutes some days 2 hours, really depends on what is going on in my current life - don't want to drag it into the book.
  • Cut grass
  • Iron (<--- that's a joke I suck at ironing)
  • Time for the little darlings to arrive off the bus.  Mental preparation begins
  • snack, homework, start dinner
  • check on chickens again 
  • eat, showers, bedtime
Next morning rise and repeat.  There is a ton I left out but you get the gist.  I didn't see sit on couch, watch soaps and eat bon bons all day.  Damn, I thought that is what stay at home moms did?
I have done all this while working a full time job when the kids were smaller.  It ain't easy, so kudos to the mama's who do.  Actually, looking back I guess it was easier in a way because there was no putting stuff off like I can now.  You are screwed if you don't stick to a schedule.  I was 15 lbs thinner and rarely had a moments peace.  Hmmm...15 lbs thinner....maybe I should switch back to this lifestyle?  Of course, spare time was nil.  My work got the best of me, not my family.  

By the time I get everyone settled and can finally sit down to watch 'Weeds' (my latest obsession) I usually fall asleep in the first 15 minutes and wake up and start it over and repeat this process about 3 times before I make my way upstairs to the bed I find terribly uncomfortable.  Part of that might be simply because it is the bed my husband had with his ex wife.  It's not a priority for him, so we don't get a new one.  That's alright, someday soon.. anyway, I am glad for Netflix.  Fall asleep all you want, just hit rewind.

So, darling Jacob, what do I do?  Oh, not much.  I am just a mom.

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