Hiking on the Parkway...

Hiking on the Parkway...

Thursday, April 11, 2013


Sometimes it's hard for me to write my blog because I have so many thoughts swirling around in my head.  Seriously, I have a bunch of drafts where I have one paragraph written and then decide to go with something else.  Then something else.  Then something else.

Can you relate?

Perhaps not in the form of writing - but let's take housework for example.  The kids are off to school.  You have a little time 'to yourself' so you'll use it to make your house all shiny and pretty.  But here's what happens:  You are walking to the kitchen with a bulls eye target of getting the clean dishes out of the dishwasher and put them away but pass your computer.  You think to yourself 'hmmmm I inboxed so and so on fb so I should check that real quick..'  Forty five minutes later you get back on your dishes mission.  Then your stomach growls, so you grab something to eat and maybe just check your email "real quick" while inhaling your food.  Forty five minutes later you go back to what has now become mission impossible and notice the kids left crumbs on the table so you better wipe that off first. Eventually you make it to the dishwasher and open it and begin to put the dishes away.  Then you go on about your day, returning to kitchen to get some lunch and see that dishwasher open and only half the dishes are put away.  How did that even happen?  Are ya with me, anyone?  Anyone do things like this?  By the time the bus arrives with your little darlings the only thing shiny and pretty is definitely not your bathtub.

Sound somewhat familiar?  Being a self diagnosed ADD girl, not a truly diagnosed one (by doctor) it sure does explain a lot about how I have lived, always getting bored in relationships quickly and mind never idle, always at a constant dizzying state. I mean even the one time Alan and I went to marriage counseling the counselor did say " Oh my Gosh you are all over the place..." He was kind of shaking his head like he couldn't keep up.  Buckle up buddy, my mind is in a constant over drive.

I feel bad for my Jacob, he's got it too.  And he is even worse than me.  And like me, he's a Leo so always needs to be the center of attention.  We'd make an interesting TV show here in this blended family.  "Keeping up with...oh look squirrel"


  1. Yes, I can relate. I think I just saw the same squirrel - he gets around, apparently.
