Hiking on the Parkway...

Hiking on the Parkway...

Monday, February 7, 2011

Me, Me, Me. It's all about Me.

I could go on for pages and pages of the list of gripes I have about the co-parenting, lack of co-parenting, lack of love and nobody helps with the flippin' trash but instead I choose to take a positive route this time.  I have realized that the only person I can change is me.  Yup, as much as we may want to carve out a whole new person in someone we once fell in love with it ain't gonna happen.  Did you know if you pray hard enough about something God will give you the answer in your heart?  Well, I always ignored that.  Man, had I listened I could've saved myself so much grief!  Thankfully he worked his magic in spite of me.  He's good like that.
I have decided to regroup my life.  That is right, I am taking control and going to do things that I can to improve ME!  Being inside your thoughts and really digging deep into the cause of your unhappiness is a very scary place to be.  Well it was for me anyway!  In a conversation I had a few weeks ago with a friend who has been  married since right after high school, to the same person (that's new to me) ha ha ha I asked how she and hubby did it.  They are insanely happy.  Clearly being on #3 I haven't figured it out yet.  I said "Oh, I know, you wear the pants."  "NO." That was her answer and boy did that shock me.  "We do what I like to call the three legged race.  We each have one leg in and work together."  I doubt she knows how much of an impact that had on me. Frickin' brilliant.  The three legged race.  By the way, that would be my high school days so almost 20 years and they have a daughter in her first year in college.
Back to me.  Ahh yes, my favorite person.  I have decided to get healthy inside.  Not diggin' the way the jeans are fitting.  Arbonne Essentials are going to help me achieve my goals.  You want change?  Do not look to Obama.  Look within.

1 comment:

  1. Awww....I think too many people miss that part. If being married was easy, we wouldn't be required to swear in front of a group of people to hold us accountable that we are going to work at it.....and not kill each other in the process! Marriage is a team sport.
