Hiking on the Parkway...

Hiking on the Parkway...

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Life is changing!

In what very little spare time I have had during these stages of moving, I have been doing some blog surfing.  Reading some of these blogs I have come to these two conclusions:  people like blogs about food and my writing skills are way more good (hee hee) than most of these bloggers.

Yet, they are the ones with umpteen million followers.  WTF?  They are the ones getting paid off their blog.  They are the ones borrowing others recipes, taking pic's of them and acting as if they are the cooking hero of the year.  Now, I know, I know... it's a great way to share recipes and I personally google dinner ideas - normally resulting in a recipe from a blog.  My point is I could do that and I could do that better.  So I'll be changing my blog up a bit.

There is another reason I'll be changing it - the move.  My daily life will no longer involve blended family struggles.  And holy shit have we had them.  Nope, now it'll involve starting a fresh chapter and the occasional glare at Alan. My own bio evil spawn will still give me a hard time, I am sure, and the plethora of estrogen related verbiage that spews from my mouth when I think he is speaking to my  kids in a not so correct manor will be a staple in our lives until they are 18 and we say ba-bye.  Although, they don't always leave at 18...

So as we settle in I will continue to blog but it'll be about whatever, partly because I am ADD and partly because some of the shit that occurs in my life is too funny not to share.  My goal will be for people to relate to me and find humor in the craziness of our lives.  And an occasional yummy recipe.  Yes, with the pictures.

I had no idea how much I would grow to hate painting.  I effin' despise it.  Yesterday when my hand was cramping and my wrist could not move when I told it to, I decided to approach it differently.  A lot of life is a mindset.  I told myself to be grateful.  Be grateful that we had the money to buy the paint and I had the ability to paint (he may think different when he sees how sloppy it is) and we are able to move.  That attitude of gratitude got me through finishing about 2 more hours.  Instead of telling myself "you will get this room painted today" I said "what if you get this whole room completed today?"  Your brain won't argue with possibility.  You will however hear several voices arguing when you make a demand.  Some probably hear more voices than others.

Be grateful for life people.  Thank God for the day before you. Decide it will be a good great day and it will be.