Hiking on the Parkway...

Hiking on the Parkway...

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Jesum Crow

Today I worked in one of my garden's until my fingers cramped from pulling so many weeds.  The end result is what keeps me going.  Fresh veggies grown right here in my yard.  No chemicals, the only transporting is from the garden to my kitchen in a basket.  No wondering if people sneezed on them in the grocery store.  Yup, well worth the labor. 
A lot of things are worth the tough times if you know the end result will be fulfilling and what you ultimately want.  But, do we ever really know?  Nope, sure don't ~ so just enjoy the ride.  I think we make countless decisions daily that affect our lives in more ways than we realize.  They may seem so minor that we barely have to think about them but if we chose differently our whole lives could be changed...forever.

Okay, enough of that insightful bunk.

I tend to check myself out in every mirror or reflective glass, basically anything I can catch a glimpse of the beauty that I call me.  Apparently I have always been this way because EVERY time my mom is around me she says "Still can't get passed the mirrors, can you?"  "Ummm, excuse me but if you were this good looking would you be able to?"  It got even worse in my twenties.  Now this being said there are days when I look awful to myself and feel like an overgrown water buffalo.  My confidence level is zero and I feel like a zero.  They come about once a month.  Alan loves them.  He's learned to steer clear.  Sometimes I think he breaks things on the RV just so he can get the eff away from me.  He has days when he is no ray of sunshine too though.  Geesh.  I mean what's his problem?  I am the one with the ovarian cysts and endometreosis throwing my hormones off balance.  Explain your mantrums, Alan.
  Some days I feel like all household members have a conspiracy against me.  I clean, they dirty.  I pick up, they leave a mess.  I sweep, they bring dirt in.  I do dishes, they fill up the sink.  I cook, they eat.  I wipe something down, they leave crumbs on it.  This all happens within 5 min's of my cleaning.  What is this about?  I know people can relate.  Oh, and by the way when you see I am doing laundry don't bring your hamper down the next morning over Flowing with dirty clothes and expect it to get done.  Ain't happenin' in this house muchacho.  So instead, it sits there in my way for 2 days until I do laundry again.  I probably move it like 20 times, but by God I will not do it right then. Thank God for spell check AND wine.