Hiking on the Parkway...

Hiking on the Parkway...

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Seriously? And Christmas is how many days away?

I have not had a cold, like the one that is currently stuck in my head, for years.  Guess having eighteen two year olds cough and snot on you (when they should be HOME) wins over your immune system.  Personally, I don't have time to be sick.  It just isn't in my schedule, especially this time of year.  On the plus side, I have lost three pounds.  I am pretty sure they are the three I gained over Thanksgiving though so I am still back to I need to lose ten. 
More so than the cold, I am over the double standard in this house.  I am tired of not being the queen of my castle.  I am more like the chef, maid, hairdresser, ranch hand (we have chickens and ranch hand sounds cooler than chicken feeder, waterer and shit scraper), taxi, gardener, personal shopper and picker upper after every friggin one.  No lie, last weekend SS18 spilled cranberry juice on kitchen floor right in front of me looked down at it and walked out of kitchen.  Later I saw he had spilled it in fridge as well.  His dad, my darling husband does that kind of thing to me all the time.  I suppose some of it is my fault.  I can't stand a mess and so I clean because I know it won't get done unless I do it.  I was brought up to know that if you see something that needs to be done, do it.  And if your going to do it, do it at one hundred percent or don't do it at all.   Putting a dish in the dishwasher is not painful I promise.  Neither is getting a paper towel and wiping up your mess, or putting things away after use.  Drawers and cupboard doors are meant to be shut.  For some reason the males in this house leave drawers and doors open.  Could someone please explain to me why they do this?  Every time I walk in the kitchen there is at least two cabinet doors open if Alan has been in there.  SS18 can't shut his dresser drawers for some reason.  Jake has now started leaving his dresser drawers open.  Emma always closes hers though.  Thank God for Emma.
It baffles me that DH will let SS18 play on xbox all day shooting up people, complete with blood and guts flyin around and stealing cars but if my bio kids watch more than a half hour of TV he freaks.  And I mean we get into an actual fight about it.  Double standards.  If you want a successful blended family you can't have them.  Hmmm I wonder if Max and Ruby had a sawed off shotgun and bazooka then he wouldn't mind?  
Why can their ( all of them) clothes make it to the floor in front of the hamper, but not actually IN the hamper?  What is that about? 
SS14 was with us all Thanksgiving break and last weekend too.  He does subtle things to tick me off and his father absolutely refuses to see it.  I am on the fast train to the condition called "crazy making".  Yup, it's a real diagnosis. 
Did I mention I am sick.  So, Monday night when I asked my DH to cook supper because I didn't get home until 6p you would have thought I asked him to have the suburban painted within the next day or his head would explode.  By the way, I have been asking to paint the suburban for three years. I'll even help.   He has added on to the garage, bought and repainted an Rv, gone across country in Rv, redone kitchen and downstairs bathroom and several other projects.  But the burb is not a priority.  His words.  Anyway, about dinner he was so angry he had to cook.  Normally he likes to but this week he agreed to teach a class on Monday and he is in college again to get his Bachelors.  He's about to be a bachelor.  Ha ha.  He hadn't done his two online classes because on this, his "hell week" he chose to teach.  I had no idea how angry he would get over this.  Not only did I have the head cold and was completely exhausted, my endometreosis decided to show up.  I wish just once he could feel the pain that I go through with that.  Getting in fetal position and not moving is the only comfort.  I ended up not eating at all.  I let him know how selfish I thought he was.  He didn't like that so much.  The house was a disaster.  I don't realize how much I do around here until I don't do it for two days.  I am supposed to start school in January but if Monday night was an example of how it will be I am going to have to put my school on hold...again.  At least until he is done.  As always, everything is put before me.  Heck, I am still mad I didn't even get a bday card from him and that was in August!
Perhaps a mani/pedi, cut and color and massage are in order....yeah right.
I think I have earned a glass of wine for tonight.  Today I get to go with my ex husband and be his witness for his divorce to wife # 2 who was ironically the witness in our divorce.  Yessah, one crazy mixed up family this is.  We definitely put the fun in dysfunction!  At least we can laugh.